Here’s a taste of my story published in “Shaking the Tree, Vol. 4.” This collection of compelling true stories is inspired by the theme, That’s a Terrible Idea. What Time? and is published by The International Memoir Writers Association. Read on.
The birds of Valencia have wisely fled.
As we emerged from this Spanish city’s train station, massive explosions rocked its streets. Trundling luggage, we waded into crowds and chaos as cherry bomb blasts and drums punctuated the air. Frying churros and gunpowder assaulted our nostrils. As we negotiated the swirling mobs, marching bands blocked the path to our hotel.
We plunged into the clamor of weaponized silliness called the Las Fallas festival, an anarchic celebration of creativity and rebirth. Once a Pagan rite of spring, Las Fallas today burns winter away every March 19th on Saint Joseph’s feast day.
“Yeah,” a former residence had warned us, “don’t plan on sleeping much.”
“We’re here!” hollered Rob over the din.
“It’s your dream come true!” I yelled back. Rob had been intrigued ever since we watched a documentary on this age-old fire festival.
“Where should we go next?” I had asked as we chose our next adventure. “Italy?”
“I really want to go to Las Fallas,” said Rob, smiling. “I want to see the bonfires and everything getting blown up.”
So off to Spain we went. If only we had known what awaited us.
The International Memoir Writers Association is thrilled to publish “Shaking the Tree, Vol. 4”, from their annual Memoir Showcase contest.
This engaging and entertaining volume is filled with stories, such as:
- Taking your husband’s mistress to lunch
- Deciding to dance in a middle-aged Korean flash mob
- Spending the day with a homeless criminal
Jumping into an affair with the most handsome married man you have ever seen.
In the spirit of the Shaking the Tree series, this book goes there – unapologetically. You can’t make this stuff up.
And I’m very honored to join these excellent writers included in this anthology:
- Lindsey Salatka
- Barbara Huntington
- Janell Strube
- Jen Laffler
- Kathleen A. McCabe
- Kimberly Joy
- Chili Cilch
- M. Annette Ketner
- Jon Block
- Marla L. Anderson
- Kenny Sucher
- Lauren Cross
- Vin Schroeter
- Jennifer Gasner
- Janet Hafner
- Lisa Churchville
- Meghan Conley
- Nancy Mae Johnson
- Hayli Nicole
- Libby Knapp
If interested in picking up a copy of this fascinating memoir collection? You can buy it below: